Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chinatown + Shopaholic ;P

saturday 30 April

ate this for dinner. it's sth like fried tauke + meat + sotong.

the name of the restaurant.

took this for fun. my new bag.
*so happy, bought this bag CHEAPLY*

see the steam. ooo

and and and, we bought these shoes at a cheap price also!
so happppieeeeeee.

after this, we watched THOR.
not bad, I ♥ the main actor.
looked so manly.

isn't this great?

then we went to the newly opened UNICLO.
bought a shirt & jean.

happy happy~~~

sunday 1 May
brought another friend to the cheap-shoes-store.

@ chinatown.

Philippians goreng pisang. C:


i think it tastes nicer than M'sia's version.


many many many people. @@

heehee me wearing my new shoes. x)

curi taken by dear ♥

ate dinner at a philippine's restaurant.
tasted similar to m'sia food.
missed it.

that dear. curi tangkap again.
see! i'm growing fat!
look at my big fat legs.

ze name of the restaurant

this dish is called 'crispy pata'
basically, it's just deep fried 'zhu giok'
not baddd.
old folks or people having bad tooth can't eat it
because it's really

this vege is more like it.
sour and salty.
nice ♥

this is the best.
named 'adobo'
chicken and black sauce i think

shanghai street :D

豆浆油条 :D
honestly, this is the first time me eating this thingy.
not bad.

UNICLO again.
because of the opening sales.

bought more shoes
i feel so proud of myself.
first time in my life
buying so many things in days.
mummy don't kill me.
anyway, it's from the scholarship, so... heehee.


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